Training and development focus is essential in order to retain the best people, as well as enabling the identification and unlocking of potential high performers.
From supporting the development of your future leaders, to equipping those running your assessments with the skills to perform with competence and confidence, we have the expertise to deliver engaging and effective training and bring a supportive, developmental focus to the assessment process.
Providing clear feedback on assessment results forms a key part of our ethical practice as psychologists, alongside wider responsibilities around Duty of Care. Again we are skilled in both the provision of this feedback and training others to provide it, maximising the effectiveness and impact of psychometrics for your organisation.
Assessment of individuals entering a succession or promotion pipeline to support identification of leadership strengths and development areas.
Developmental support to encourage individuals in taking ownership of their own self-development.
Provision of tools and resources to support targeted focus on identified development areas.
Provision of interviewer training or more general assessor / observer training for undertaking assessment activities.
Professional training to support your own personnel in delivering, interpreting and understanding your assessment products.
Theoretical grounding in aspects including Questioning Techniques, Behavioural Observation Techniques, Observer-Bias and Personality Frameworks plus supervised practice with feedback.
Training focused around key, transferable workplace competencies and skills – including communication skills, resilience, confidence etc.
Provision of practical tools & resources to support performance in these areas.
Practical, behavioural based workshops customised to your specific business goals or challenges (delivered through our sister company – see for further details)
Provision of clear, supportive and practical feedback on the results and outcomes of psychometric assessments.
Provision of training to HR professionals and other individuals required to deliver feedback to employees.
Development of high quality, professional materials to support the feedback process.