Everyday bodily movement - such as walking - is linked to higher creativity in new study
Apparently so!
One of a limited number of studies to investigate the relationship between physical activity and executive functioning outside of laboratory settings, Rominger and colleagues found that everyday bodily movement - even of a moderate intensity (i.e walking) -produced a positive correlation with creative performance!
The study looked at 2 aspects of creativity – originality and fluency – and measured everyday bodily movement of 79 individuals using accelerometers. (This link between physical activity and creativity was also found to exist over and above the impact of activating positive mood/emotions.)
We all know intuitively that getting outside for a walk or some physical activity can make us feel more positive, alongside a number of other health benefits, but it looks like there can also be an added effect on our creativity.
Creativity and thinking outside of the box are critical skills in the current climate of change and adaptation – have you made time today to boost your creative thinking?
The full scientific report as published in Nature can be accessed here